I have seen 4 movies in the past 24 hours! 3 of my Netflix movies, and one in the theater. Here they are, in no particular order.
Interview with the Vampire – I had seen bits and pieces of this on TNT before, and I’ve read the book, so I wanted to see it for real. Pretty good, though Antonio Banderas as Armand was… weird. Kirsten Dunst was wonderful.
Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast – Gorgeous and surreal, and the costume geek in me was in heaven over Belle’s costumes. I took a million screenshots of one of them, for future reference.
Donnie Darko – I started watching this movie a while back, but almost to the end, the power went out and I never saw the ending. I was so pissed!! So I rented it. I love this movie. Of all 4 I’ve seen today I may say it’s my favourite.
Napoleon Dynamite – Ash and I went to see this at the cheap theater last night. “GOSH!” It was funny and charming.
Lol, Brad Pitt as a vampire made me laugh all through the movie.
Donnie Darko is incredible. The music is, too; I greatly enjoy the soundtrack. That movie’s become something of a Hot Topic movie now, unfortunately, but it will always rock. I remember the first time Frank appeared…my friend and I clutched each other and shrieked, “Who was expecting that!??!”
Strangely, both the Donnie Darko and Napoleon Dynamite schools reminded me a lot of mine.
Ha, I went as Napoleon for halloween >D Only a few people at my high school recognized me, but those that did were quite excited. Man, I even had nunchucks.